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Bancroft Wastewater Treatment Facility Project


The City of Bancroft is a sewered community with the Waste Water Treatment Facility located north of town near the City limits. The existing facility was a 3-cell controlled discharge lagoon treatment system and was not presently meeting the treatment or storage needs of the City. It was ultimately decided that the City wished to keep the system in its current location and expand to meet the current and future treatment needs. As part of the project, land to the north of the treatment facility was acquired which allowed for an expansion of their existing WWTF.

Since the existing facility had to remain in operation, a strategic plan was put in place to keep the existing facility in operation while expanding the existing WWTF lagoon. A complete new secondary treatment cell was to be constructed. In addition to the new secondary cell construction, the existing secondary cell was added on to create a new single deeper cell. The primary cell was expanded northerly to accommodate the additional primary storage needs.

In addition to addressing the hydraulic storage needs of the City of Bancroft, Veenstra & Kimm, Inc. designed all new piping and structures at the Waste Water Treatment Facility. By reconfiguring and reconstructing the existing Waste Water Treatment Facility site, the City was able to save a substantial amount of money and yet meet the treatment needs of the City and produce a final product that met or exceeded a brand new treatment facility.

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